Geographic intelligence for decision-makers
Location intelligence is an innovative method, at the crossroads of BI (Business Intelligence) and GIS (Geographic Information System). More than visualizing the information on a map, LI makes it possible to use the data that has a geographic reference to bring out results that can be exploited in the business community by highlighting neighborhood relations that are invisible in Excel spreadsheets.
Geometric, powered by Anagraph
There are hundreds of software and solutions to find and collect data. It is by noting that few decision makers were able to visualize them and give them meaning that we developed Geometric. A tool that is part of Anagraph's DNA, namely the facilitation of decision-making thanks to a universal and intinctive graduation: the map. Smart maps to enlighten leaders and support innovation in small and large Canadian businesses.
Anagraph, innovation studio
Based in the Laurentians, our company is made up of creative minds ready to imagine the future of geospatial information visualization. Led by Nicolas, founder with proven experience in spatial information technology and geolocation services, now president of the Canadian Association of Geomatics Sciences, Montreal branch. And by his side, Jean-Denis, Thomas, Marc-Andre, Mathew, Clement and Alexis, developers and programmers emeritus specialized in the creation of intuitive solutions
The field of possibilities in terms of location intelligence
Our recent collaborations with both public and private sector actors demonstrate the power of location intelligence applied to diverse and diverse fields.
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